Thursday, August 11, 2011

Another Year..and then some!

Another year**sigh** where is time going? My little Nana is now three!

And she has been joined by a baby brother,Bubby. He has just turned one, so he isn't so little anymore either.

There has been so much going on. I have been working at the local VA for over a year now. I love it, but it can be very stressful at times. But things can never be static for very long in this household! We have made the decision.(it only took us about five years) to move to another state. There really isn't anything holding us here anymore. Gary's son rarely contacts us..he is busy with his own life, his daughter's will never really be a part of our lives, as much as that pains him and my family has been after me for years to move closer to them and I think it is about time for that.
So we're selling everything off that we can't fit into a 6x12 trailer and the back of a pickup and scooting off to the middle of the country...where there is actually sunlight more than 2 weeks a year!! YAY!!!!