Saturday, February 28, 2009

Long Time no Post....

I guess I should have gotten off my butt and posted something on here a long time ago, but things have been hectic with me returning to school. This quarter I am taking 16 credits, going to school 6 days a week and working 25 days a week at a clinic in the local VA hospital, so that gives me 1 1/2 days to do homework, clean house, do all the other stuff that we reserve for the weekends. Errrrggg, I'm pooped! Next quarter looks to be a little lighter; I'm only going to be taking 14 credits and I'll have 3 days off!!! Yipee!!!
No post goes without mentioning the light of our lives, Leanna. She is 8 months old now and getting to be quite the character. She is still Papaw's girl all the way.I was informed that lst night she has started to crawl. Up to now if she wanted anything she'd just roll for it. Jennie tells me she rolled under their futon the other day and got stuck..poor
Chance & his girlfriend Lisa went to their first schooling show this weekened. They did rather well; Chance got a 2nd place, a third, a couple of fourths. Lisa did about the same except no 2nd place.
Chance & Cowboy; Tacoma Unit
Lisa & Scotty
Gary is still on track with losing weight. He goea tto the gym and is now taking water areobics as well (all under the watchful eyes of a trainer & others) His BMI has dropped nearly 3 points, which is quite a bit, I am so proud of him & how dedicated he is.


Rob and Meredith said...

Sounds like everything is going really well. Way to go, Gary!!

Leanna is turning out so beautiful. She has always been beautiful but now she is like a fine wine. I can understand why she is pawpaws girl, he is warm and cuddly! :)

Best wishes with school. The only thing that really pays off is hard work and perseverence. Baby, you've got all the fixin's! Hang in there!

Rob and Meredith said...

Tell Chance we said Congrats! He looks real comfortable on horseback. You guys must really be proud.

Hey Donna, good pick on the background. Super cute!!!

EEEEK, I'm surrounded by yuppies said...

great pics hon, Chance looks great and so does Elisa. The pics of Leanna are perfect except for that big old fart in them with her..