Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dreaming of a White Christmas....

Its been nearly a month since I've made my last post & I'd love to say that I have been just to busy to post anything, but the truth is I've just been to dang lazy.

Gary & I kept Leanna last weekend so Mom & Dad could rest..uh-huh, right!!
While she was here we had a little bit of snow, so we bundled her up & took her out in it so we could participate in her first snow experience. The expression on her face, I think, says it all.
Photography 009

And while Gary took that photograph, I have still been doing my fair share of snapping pics. Especially these last three or four days. We have had snow almost non-stop. Urrrggg!! But I have managed to get some nice shots.

This is the garden by the driveway..or what you can see of it.
Picture 061

The trees on the corner of the street on a short sun break..
Photography 031

Christmas decorations across the street...
Photography 014

Our poor little frog in the back yard...
Picture 041

All the kids were supposed to be coming to our house for Christmas dinner, hopefully they'll be able to make it!!