Sunday, November 30, 2008

More photographs

I am continuing taking pictures, but I have to admit it is getting harder to go out when we are having our typical wet, gray and cold Washington winter weather. Ugh. But nonetheless I have managed to get a few good shots, and Gary & I have enjoyed jumping in the car and tootleling about the country so I can take pictures. Here are some of the recent ones;

Photography 046

Photography 217

Photography 243

Photography 185

Photography 142


Rob and Meredith said...

Looks like you've still got it! I wish we had time to do stuff like that. It's nice to just out... and just "be" together. You are really going to have a blast when the grand-daughter gets old enough to run around. What great pics those will be.

Gary...Donna is going to need her OWN camera!!!! Start saving. You've got until the youngster walks!!

Love you guys. Hope you had a great holiday.

The Wadsworth Family said...

Those are great pictures. I agree, you do need your own camera. Keep up the good work! Love you all and hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.